Kolbrún was shown five years old at the late-summer breeding show in Hella. She received 7,65 for conformation, 7,96 for riding abilities and 7,80 as a total score. Her conformation was not quite developed enough when she was shown but it improved with maturity. She is a four gaited mare with 9,0 for tölt and 8,5 for willingness and form under the rider. Since then she has been used as a breeding mare at Vorsabær 2. Kolbrún has had many offsprings but only two daughters. Now she has already many offsprings through her oldest daughter and also many of her sons, especially Hreyfill.
Total score: 7,65-7,96=7,80
Kolbrún past away the year 2020
Offsprings by Kolbrún.
Brown with snip born 2002. Father: Sveinn-Hervar from Þúfa. Total score 8,14-8,16=8,15. Of which she got 9,0 for tolt and form under rider. Evíta belongs to the breedingfarm Vorsabaer 2. |
Brown born 2003. Father: Hvinur from Egilsstaðakoti. Sold to Norway. |
Brown born 2004. Father: Brjánn from Reykjavík. Pinni belongs to the breedingfarm Vorsabaer 2. |
Brown born 2005. Father: Álfasteinn from Selfossi. Sold Nadja Andréewitch in Sweden. Stallion. |
Blue Dun born 2007. Father: Stáli from Kjarri. Sold Sophie Clémentz in France. Total score: 8,11–7,70=7,87 as a 4gaiter. Of which he got 8,5 tölt, willingness, back, proportions and hooves. France champion in 4gait, the year 2015. Stallion. |
Brown born 2008. Father: Dugur from Þúfa. Hreyfill belongs to the breedingfarm Vorsabaer 2. Total score: 8,50-8,56=8,54 |
Chestnut/liver with blaze born 2009. Father: Grunnur from Grund. Sold Wendy van Olphen in Holland. |
Chestnut with blaze born 2010. Father: Mjölnir from Hlemmiskeiði. Total score:7,94-7,80=7,86 Mardöll belongs to the breedingfarm Vorsabaer 2. |
Chestnut with two/star born 2011. Father: Kjarni from Þjóðólfshaga. Sold in Iceland |
Bay born 2012. Father: Spuni Vesturkoti. Total score in FIZO: 8,52 Conformation – 8,47 Riding abilities – 8,49 Of which he got 9,0 for Tölt, Walk and Spirit. Sold: Nadja Andréewitch Sweden. |
Chestnut with blaze born 2013. Father: Glóðafeykir Halakoti. Total score: 8,13 – 8,04 – 8,08 as a 4gaiter. Of which he got 9 tölt, 8,5 trot, gallop, willingness, form under rider, walk and slow tölt. Sold to Julia Schenke in Germany |
Black born 2014. Father: Toppur from Auðsholtshjálegui. Belongs to the breedingfarm Vorsabaer 2. |
Chestnut with a star and a snip born 2014. Father: Sveinn Hervar frá Þúfu. Belongs to the breedingfarm Vorsabaer 2. |
Black pinto born 2018
Father: Sigur frá Stóra-Vatnsskarði. Belongs to the breedingfarm Vorsabaer 2. |
Chestnut with a star born 2019
Father: Bylur frá Efri-Brúnavöllum Belongs to the breedingfarm Vorsabaer 2. |
Breeding mares in Vorsabæ 2. Alda Hrina Hrefna Nös Snerpa Molda Píla Evíta Fjöður Hátíð Lipurtá Silfurdís Litla Jörp Kolfreyja Tign Gletta Hviða